Jan 15, 2021

2020 Gray Ford Mustang HeadlampKeeping your Ford looking brand-new isn’t just for cosmetic pride. Giving your vehicle the proper care and attention it needs also maintains its value and even its health. Here are a few tips you should implement in your vehicle maintenance routine to keep your Ford looking like it just rolled off the lot.

1. Wax On

One of the best things you can do for your Ford is make sure you’re giving it a good coat of wax after washes. Wax not only makes your vehicle look shiny and clean but also protects it from harmful UV radiation from the sun, which can fade your paint job. We suggest waxing your vehicle three to four times a year if you’re driving around Tennessee or another state that sees all four seasons. This should help protect your vehicle’s exterior from the winter’s road salt to the summer’s rays.

2. Clean Your Interior Often

Don’t wait until you’re embarrassed to let other people into your car before you clean it. Even a little dust and grime can take a toll on your seats and carpets. Give your seats a good vacuuming and wipe-down before dirt can worm its way into your upholstery and cause damage. As an added benefit, a clean interior also just makes you feel better when you get into your Ford.

3. Attack Bug Splatter and Bird Droppings

We cannot overstate how important it is to remove bird droppings and bug splatter from your vehicle as soon as you can. The acids in these substances are terrible enemies of paint and can ruin your paint job. If you want to be diligent and safe about this danger, stock your vehicle with a spray designed to remove bird droppings, as well as some microfiber towels.

4. Use Microfiber Towels

Speaking of microfiber towels, be aware that using a house towel or beach towel to clean your car can damage your paint job. You should only be using towels with soft, synthetic fibers, such as microfiber towels designed specifically for auto detailing. Be sure to wash your microfiber towel between uses and don’t continue using the towel if you set it on the ground or a dirty surface. Because of the small fibers, the towel does a good job of picking up dirt, which can damage your paint if you use a dirty towel to clean it.

5. Use Conditioner

If you have cabin surfaces covered in vinyl or leather, consider using a conditioner to protect them from the sun. This is doubly important for those who park their vehicles in uncovered spots while they’re home or at work. A quality upholstery conditioner acts as a sunscreen, protecting your interior surfaces from harmful UV radiation.

With these tips in mind, you can ensure your Ford looks like new for years to come. But perhaps you’d like to start out with a new Ford and go from there. Visit us at Reddick Brown Ford in Morrison, Tennessee, to find your next brand-new travel companion.

Image via ford.com